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Bob O'Hearn | profile | all galleries | recent

Profile for Bob O'Hearn
Name Bob O'Hearn (joined 01-Jan-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username 1heart
Location Earth
View Galleries : Bob O'Hearn has 1666 galleries and 27418 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 5354201 times.

Message from Bob O'Hearn
Thank You for visiting this Photo Gallery!

I have a number of blog sites you may enjoy:

Essays on the Conscious Process of Recognition and Liberation:

Writings from selected Western Mystics, Classic and Modern:

Wisdom of a Spirit Guide:

Verses and ramblings on life as it is -- personal meditations:

Verses and Variations on the Investigation of Mind Nature:

Verses and Rambles on the Play of Consciousness:

Poetic Fiction, Fable, Fantabulation:

Poems of the Mountain Hermit:

Love Poems from The Book of Yes:

Autobiographical Fragments, Memories, Stories, and Tall Tales:

Ancient and modern spiritual texts, creatively refreshed:

Compiled Poetry and Prosetry through 2017:

For all visitors to these pages, here is a Perspective worth pondering:

“The universe to which your soul is anchored is presently expanding in all directions at a speed you could not calculate. New solar systems and planets are being formed as you read these words. New species are being seeded and new forms of life are being born for the very first time. Such universe has millions of parallel existences cohabiting the same space. There are billions of universes, many far, far larger than yours.

Nobody really knows just how expansive the multi-verse is, this is so even in the spirit world. What I can tell you is that the galaxy you are in, and the universe you are within is still expanding outward in all directions, at different speeds simultaneously. This expansion of the universe will one day come to a halt, yet within it galaxies will still continue to rotate, with planets around one another for millions of more years.

This universe is then also a miniscule part of a much larger universe, which is also expanding and creating life on all levels. Similarly again, that universe is a miniscule part of yet another larger universe, with grander and greater phenomenon, and infinitely more life and potential. This goes on and on.

But this is not all. This is merely one dimensional frequency. There are millions and millions of other dimensions that occupy the same ‘space’ that you do, but exist on a completely different frequency. So too, that dimension then has their own universes, one being a part of a much larger one. So basically, you have infinity in every direction, up, down, left, right, within and without.

It is possible one day this, or another universe, will collide with a similar universal amoeba and create another ‘explosion’, or big bang to occur and spark new formations of potentials. This actually happens all the time, human beings are just not aware of it.”


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