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Profile for First Due Images
Name First Due Images (joined 16-Nov-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username abrackett
Location United States
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View Galleries : First Due Images has 88 galleries and 4728 images online.
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View Guestbook : 42 messages. Most recent on 25-Jun-2021.

Message from First Due Images
My name is Alan Brackett. I was introduced to the fire service at a very young age, as my father served as a Lieutenant in the Southbridge (MA) Fire Department. My two brothers and I basically grew up around the firehouse. I learned the business from the ground up and eventually the day came when I could join the fire department. I joined the Southbridge FD Auxiliary at the age of 16. After graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Air Force to better learn my trade. I became a USAF Fire Protection Specialist, and completed a four year commitment to Uncle Sam. After being honorably discharged in 1983, I was lucky enough to land a full time position with the Sturbridge (MA) Fire Department. I served as a career firefighter in the Town of Sturbridge Massachusetts for 20 years, when I was forced to retire from a job I know and love due to a medical condition.

During my high school years, I found I had a second passion, this one for photography. It seemed that during my learning the basics of photography, I found I had a natural “eye” for photographic composition and content (or so I was led to believe). Many years ago it seemed a natural transition to combine my two passions. I thank my friend and Brother firefighter Robert Athanas for introducing me to the world of “buffing” some 33 years ago. Since then, I have photographed fire scenes and firefighters all around New England and beyond.

After my disability retirement, I was asked to become the Fire Department Photographer for the Town of Dudley FD. I graciously accepted. Today, I continue to provide my photographic services to all area fire departments and I do a limited amount of teaching at the MA Fire District 7 Call Firefighter Recruit Academy that is run yearly. I still enjoy buffing, and have met many new friends and Brothers while at incident scenes or while visiting firehouses. I will always try to show firefighters in a positive light because I too, have lived the often thankless career. The work that firefighters across this country perform each day, from the mundane to the insane, must be documented, and the public needs to be aware of the daily sacrifices that are matter-of-factly made day in and day out. And I feel I am uniquely qualified to do just that.

I would also like to thank my lovely wife Ann, who pushed me to take my photos to the next level and get them published. She encouraged me at a time in my life when I thought I could no longer be involved with the fire service. Because of her insistence, I have had my photos published on the covers of Fire House Magazine and Fire Rescue Magazine. I have also had photos published in the pages of many respected trade journals and newspapers.

I hope you enjoy the site, as this is my first serious attempt at producing a forum to display my work. Please feel free to leave comments, as I will check the site regularly. For all the Brothers who visit the site, please stay safe, work together, and see that everyone goes home at the end of the shift or the job.
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