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Butch Welch's Recent Galleries

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10-Mar-2025 17:49
Sculpting with Light
Sculpting with Light
03-Dec-2024 21:40
A Journey Along the Shores
A Journey Along the Shores
26-Jul-2024 19:49
Around the House
Around the House
26-Jan-2024 19:22
03-Nov-2023 23:38
October in the UP
October in the UP
28-Aug-2023 20:36
24-Aug-2023 21:28
Farm Country
Farm Country
15-Nov-2021 21:01
Pasadena City Hall
Pasadena City Hall
07-Nov-2021 21:06
Allegan Dam Hydro Power Plant
Allegan Dam Hydro Power Plant
22-Jul-2021 19:04
11-Feb-2021 20:32
The Queen Mary
The Queen Mary
01-Nov-2020 15:58
8x10 Hand Coated Platinum Prints
8x10 Hand Coated Platinum Prints