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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Nov-2002
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Samples from 97969 available Photos more
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joechaos23-Dec-2010 18:38
Best lens for Canon cameras. Sharp, great contrast and color. Don't believe those who say the Sigma or the Tamron are the same, they're not (I have owned both). This lens is stellar. Quality costs money. I have also owned the 17-40, but prefer this lens.
Robert Olson20-Nov-2010 02:46
99% of the bad Reviews come from people that can not afford the 24-70
Guest 23-Feb-2009 12:30
I just purchase this lens over the weekend... It is simply amazing on a 50D body. Ok I'm loosing the 24-70mm range as it's on a crop body and ending up with a 38-112mm but keeping the f/2.8. for my taste and needs, the lens does it!
Guest 27-Aug-2008 12:21
Oh yeah..........and it's TACK sharp.
Guest 27-Aug-2008 12:20
Only thing to make this lense perfect would be Image Stabilizer and internal focus.
I've owned mine nearly 1 year and it has performed flawlessly in all situations including rain. The lens is part of my wedding kit. I purchased the lens as a mate to my 70-200/2.8LIS which is also a stella performer. Both lenses get used on either the 5D or 30D, the 24-70/2.8 is great on the crop body also, thats when I wish it had IS, otherwise fine on FF.
I wouldn't hesitate having to purchase it again if I had too.
Guest 12-Jul-2008 14:13
tact sharp. very useful range.
Guest 12-Jul-2008 14:12
tact sharp. very useful range.
Guest 12-Jul-2008 14:12
tact sharp. very useful range.
Robert Olson06-Jul-2008 16:25
I never use my 35 L prime any more as my 24-70 L is that good it's the best mid zoom ever made for 35mm. I must have a good copy?
Guest 11-May-2008 04:53
Lets say it again... "TACK sharp!!" I have lost a lot of money investing in lens and different cameras. But I always tend to land on my feet again with this lens. it now lives on my 40D.
Devilgorgor12-Mar-2008 14:05
tack sharp lens, but tamron 28-70 f2.8 get similar result for lot less of money.
Guest 15-Nov-2007 05:33
I swear, it often boils down to how lucky you get with the copy. My 24-105L was soft all over and had bad CA. My 17-40L was sharp, with slightly soft corners, but bearable. My 70-200 F/2.8 L is tack sharp throughout, etc. I'm praying that my 24-70 F/2.8 L is a "sharp copy."

Too bad it's sometimes a hit-and-miss depending on the copy you get these days. But if you get a sharp one, it's just a dream come true.
Guest 10-Aug-2007 16:27
I have placed a small comparison of the Canon 24-70/2.8 vs. a couple of other lenses (including the 24-105/4) here:
Guest 15-Apr-2007 19:42
What's your opinion and experience about and with barreldistorsion at focal lenght of 24mm
Allthough this is the only critique, I find it rather disappointing...
Shawn Patrick06-Dec-2006 03:15
This is by far the sharpest lens I own. The 2.8 aperture is great for low light. It does weigh a lot and attracts attention (which I don't care for) but it's just a great all around lens. I use this lens more than any other. If you can afford it without losing your house, I would recommend it.
Guest 03-Sep-2006 11:06
terrific lens weights a ton.tood bad not having internal zoom,Canon really should correct this.
Guest 26-Jul-2006 11:48
I've owned the 24-70mm for almost a year now. This lens has been a favorite of many since it replaced its well-regarded predecessor, the 28-70mm. It shoots images that are very sharp and have excellent contrast and saturation. It's sharp wide open and only gets better when stopping down. The USM (Ultrasonic Motor) focuses very fast, and full-time manual focusing is allowed. I've thought about buying a 50mm f/1.4, but the results from this lens are so good, I'm having a hard time justifying the purchase. I've been nothing but pleased with the pictures I get from the 24-70mm. The constant f/2.8 aperture is great for shooting indoors and produces a very nice bokeh (background blur) when shooting portraits. This lens is much heavier than comparable consumer-grade zooms, but I don't object to the weight. I actually like the heft and feel of this lens on my 20D. The only feature I wish it had is IS (image stabilization).

The one thing preventing an unqualified recommendation is the recent release of the Canon 24-105mm f/4.0L IS. The latter lens costs about the same and has some noteworthy advantages. It is .7" shorter, .2mm narrower and .6 lbs. lighter. It has 3rd generation IS that gives you a 3-stop shutter speed advantage when shooting handheld. I know from my 70-200mm f/2.8L IS that image stabilization is a very welcome feature when shooting handheld at slow shutter speeds. And, obviously, the 24-105mm adds an extra 35mm of focal length on the long end.

The 24-70mm bests the 24-105mm in one way: It's a faster lens. That translates into the following advantages: At f/4.0, the 24-105mm cannot stop subject motion blur as well in low-light situations where the 24-70mm's f/2.8 can give you a shutter speed that is twice as fast. Note that IS does not have any impact at all on subject motion blur, only on camera shake on your end. If bokeh (background blur) is important to you, the 24-70mm will have a slight advantage over the 24-105mm given its wider aperture. A wider aperture also helps a camera focus a little better in low light.

The first run of the 24-105mm had a flare problem (see Canon's Web site for more info), and the early production models have been recalled. But the problem has now been fixed. You'll have to consider your photography priorities when deciding which of these two excellent lenses best suits your needs. You would be well served by either.

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Guest 31-Oct-2005 01:02
This is a excellent lens!
Guest 18-Oct-2005 13:36
Second picture has the link broken. Correct link is
Guest 06-Sep-2005 20:46
yes it has internal focusing. What it doesn´t have is internal zooming.
Yiannis Pavlis11-Apr-2005 04:03
fantastic lens ,only one thing ,its not internal focus.

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