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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 7D

Canon EOS 7D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Aug-2009
Lens Mount: EF-S
Megapixels: 18
Random Canon EOS 7D Samples from 1103332 available Photos more
g2/96/201996/3/149385172.fDM0JTP5.jpg g4/05/686005/3/139310049.nGcR7Ppt.jpg g9/15/733215/3/161820577.g5aSd4IB.jpg g4/13/867913/3/140957495.BE4GMbZq.jpg
g4/81/596981/3/135261117.qYsjAU6r.jpg g1/89/855789/3/130444661.vsSSbfnE.jpg g13/78/320678/3/173460864.20527e0a.JPEG g1/69/578869/3/129605702.zhj94BuL.jpg
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Guest 07-Jun-2010 22:00
6 meses con la camara y ahora puedo decir que es la mejor camara con la que he trabajado, mi unico pero es que como trabajamos en clima muy muy calido se calienta con facilidad, pero creo que a 45 grados al medio ambiente cualquier camara lo haria, la calidad excelente, la calidad de video no se puede mas, en full HD, es maravillosa, la recomiendo ampliamente
konstecnigerialtd29-Apr-2010 18:25
From the comments i see here i believe its a good camera, so i will like to have this camera. and also want it to be selling in Nigeria with me as your sales representative.
Matt Rees28-Apr-2010 20:34
Awesome camera - amazing focus
Michael Shpuntov01-Jan-2010 01:50
Have it for three weeks. Initial impression is very good. So many things to love after it replaced my old and trusty 30D. First 1500 shots and still lots to learn and get used to.
Guest 25-Dec-2009 16:28
Just got mime also, not posting anything right now until Pbase Fixes everything... just open flickr account incase pbase can not put things together again.
In my test, so far the Canon 7D is the sharpest and most advance camera this time (ever) build with the crop sensor. Just be sure to use the right AF point for every situations.
Glen Allen24-Dec-2009 12:40
Anyone use this body to photograph birds. Some people have complained about softness and a lot of the images i've seen support that complaint. Can a birder please PM me their better 7d examples, or the flip side of that tell me what if any complaints they have with this new body. Thanks Glen
Derek M John21-Dec-2009 21:36
2nd impressions of the 7D back up the first...very impressive.
check out these shots at
Guest 14-Dec-2009 12:45
canon pulio muchisimos errores en esta camara, la nitidez, los colores, el video inigualable,realmente estoy muy contento con mi compra aunque solo llevo unos dias con ella, definitivamente se volvio una camara que dejara huella en mi trabajo. saludos desde mexico
Guest 14-Dec-2009 12:43
excellent choice, i'm very happy, the colors, focus, great shoots, and HD really amazing, canon is the king of the photography, this camera is amazing.sorry my bad english
rugbyphoto09-Dec-2009 22:39
Very, very happy with mine so far!
@ Bruce Gilling25-Nov-2009 05:50
@ Bruce Gilling07-Nov-2009 18:07
Still prefer full frame but better than 40d whuch was better than 50d imho can the flash fire an external canon 580 ex without firirng itself it fires wirelessly but on camera flash fires too can this be turned off and still fire external flash anyone know?
Guest 01-Nov-2009 19:14
A great camera, a huge difference with my good "old" 350D...
Guenter Eh28-Oct-2009 16:04
Fantastic camera, very useful new features and great for indoor and low light situations.
Derek M John11-Oct-2009 03:13
First impressions of the 7D are very positive. Check out the latest images from my gallery
Norman Rich10-Oct-2009 01:21
Oct. 7th, 2009. First field work with the recently released Canon EOS 7D.
Jeff Kirk02-Oct-2009 13:50
A huge step up from my Canon 20D. I live in fear that it will expose just how cruddy my current lenses are and I'll be compelled to replace all of them with L-series glass.
Martin Lamoon29-Sep-2009 10:06
Initial impressions - This is a truly great camera, well done Canon. Picked mine up on Friday 25th. May take a long time to read the manual!

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