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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS D60

Canon EOS D60 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Mar-2002
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 6.3
Random Canon EOS D60 Samples from 61804 available Photos more
g2/62/337662/3/66016209.WTvGknrx.jpg u13/stevew/medium/11138161.CRW_0920copy.jpg u10/ehlers/medium/2195121.IMG_2408.jpg u18/bwolfe58/medium/8264228.IMG_1038a.jpg
u36/pixelman/medium/23573801.CRW_1513pb.jpg g9/19/45019/3/153666756.Ltw6fU3K.jpg u13/ninadartworks/medium/11134354.diningroom2.jpg v3/36/175036/3/45072337.IMG_2883.jpg
u40/android/medium/26301970.CRW_2354.jpg g5/04/5104/3/68547767.2qPSdNlO.jpg u7/dannyc/medium/19571250.IMG_6837.jpg u21/ljwobker/medium/9795853.IMG_4007.jpg

Guest 28-May-2009 15:33
No one has said anything about this wonderful camera. that is hard to believe!

I have owned 2 of these and LOVED them both. There are times I actually consider going back to the D60, which I feel had a more consistent meter and better auto WB than my 30D. One day I plan to own one of each of the xxD series, so I suppose i could have another D60 to play with... :)
Guest 28-May-2009 15:32
No one has said anything about this wonderful camera. that is hard to believe!

I have owned 2 of these and LOVED them both. There are times I actually consider going back to the D60, which I feel had a more consistent meter and better auto WB than my 30D. One day I plan to own one of each of the xxD series, so I suppose i could have another D60 to play with... :)

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