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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon EOS Kiss Digital X2 in Japan.
Also known as Canon EOS 450D
Marketed: 23-Jan-2008
Lens Mount: EF-S
Megapixels: 12.2
Random Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi Samples from 121779 available Photos more
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wildcentralindia07-Mar-2011 19:22

I am also amongst the same family member of 450D........this is a very good camera to work in extreme conditions,,,,true campanion
lapyiwin08-Nov-2009 02:01
Hi all. I would like to buy a new lens for my 450D. I want something which has wide angle and telephoto abilities. For eg. 17mm-80mm range. Could anyone recommend a lens please? As I am doing photography as hobby, I can't afford very expensive one either. Thanks in advance.
AL SAMHA EAST - RAZA20-Aug-2009 08:08
Guest 14-Aug-2009 15:07
Great Camera.
Guest 31-Jul-2009 21:26
XSi gallery
Guest 31-Jul-2009 21:01
I like very much this camera. Click to see more pictures with XSi
Susan Bowen29-Apr-2009 05:47
I bought the XSi in Feb. '09 at a very good price. I'm very happy with the results I'm getting, especially with better lenses (although the kit lens is not bad at all!). I'm hooked on the design and menu features of this camera. You can see the results I'm getting here:

Clavel Waminal01-Sep-2008 16:48
I am a newbie. First walk and shoot and I mostly got what I wanted to happen with the photos. NO REGRET. The best choice I made, after a very confusing confusion between my Canon EOS450D and its competitor. See my samples
Bill Warren22-Jun-2008 15:54
I've had the XSi for over a month. I was all set to buy the 40D but the XSi's higher resolution and compact size made me change my mind. For me this camera is a creative workhouse that is a joy to travel and work with. Check out what I have been able to do with this little baby so far.
Guest 09-May-2008 04:25
Just starting photography myself along with my lady :) And after weeks of research and waiting and asking questions to my more experienced friends, I can honestly say that this camera was without a doubt the best decision we could have made.....absolutely no regrets!! We have coupled this with a Canon 50mm f1.4 and can't believe how nice these two work together. We will also be using a 70-200 f4 soon to expand our photographic needs. Here are our humble images so far in case you would to see some examples and
The camera doesn't make the artist, but it sure doesn't hurt either :)
Guest 30-Apr-2008 06:50
Just got this baby last week. My very first DSLR. LOVING IT!!! Basically, unseparable!! I am just learning about photography, reading, watching, trying. I hope to make many good shots with XSi. Taking it North Africa next month! One thing I can say, so far it's been very easy to use for the newby like me :)
Guest 23-Apr-2008 02:47
Carefull calling this camera entry level..this is a baby 40D as it is so packed with features.
Luv it!
@ Bruce Gilling16-Apr-2008 02:18
most serious entry camera top date!
Guest 11-Apr-2008 18:35
Some samples from new functions (Highlight Tone Priority, RAW/CR2, High ISO, etc.) available here:
Guest 09-Apr-2008 02:09
some samples available here :
Devilgorgor11-Mar-2008 14:20
oh I remember my first canon DSLR was not 10D, was D30, that crap has only 4 mega pixes and costed around 4 grands, I thought it was good investment and will keep rest of my life, but its not last long til sold on ebay.
Devilgorgor11-Mar-2008 14:15
well, I am not gonna upgrade any DSLR body for next 10 years, thinking price for those camera will drop every year whenever mega pix for DSLR increase a bit, remember I bought my first canon 10D for almost 1500-USD 5 years ago and people are losing money! well, up-grade L lens instead, go get 200mm f2 IS L USM or 800mm f5.6 if you can afford one, I am owning 15 or 20 L lenses and never look back. canon makes more, more money with no stop, because those folks keep upgrading, for example, have you ever jealousy that microsoft and sport stars make more money than us? because you keep consumming their new product or buying tickets, and all money went to their pocket, rich people getting richer, poor people always poor, is this world we are living is full of crap and greedy, be part of it, you will never alone.
Guest 22-Feb-2008 18:02
This will be my first dslr :D - Cant wait
Guest 08-Feb-2008 16:03
Cannot wait to read actual reviews. Hoping the claimed 'extremely low noise' technology will deliver the promises. Cannot wait to upgrade my 300D ;-)
Barry S Moore02-Feb-2008 22:25
Quite an improvement on my 400D. Bigger LCD, live view with two types of focus in this mode, Auto iso and repeating self timer (aka intervalometer). Should be a good upgrade.

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