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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot Pro 1

Canon PowerShot Pro 1 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 06-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 8
Random Canon PowerShot Pro 1 Samples from 33384 available Photos more
u13/nogaroblue/medium/41573137.BlingityBlingRS42.jpg v3/08/291208/3/50556575.IMG_1224.jpg u25/nogaroblue/medium/40773787.Church2.jpg u39/nogaroblue/medium/40551308.DucatiRaceBike3.jpg
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Evaristo Buendia Carrera14-Jul-2010 04:56
I liked so much PowerShot Pro-1. I sent it two times to Canon Hospital in Chicago, bad moments.
It's fragile, it has only ISO400, a lot of vibration and F:8; not enough for my expectations (!!!?).
Weakness toy with powerful engineering design: an amazing macro, effective zoom and high quality results.
I won first award photo contest last year. I love my Pro-1!
Robert Soen12-Apr-2006 14:55
Very nice camera, I carry it around a lot. Small, compact and excelent lens. Most of the time my 10D stays at home. I do not use it with iso 200 or more. Action shots are also very hard to do because it is not a fast camera. Besides that, for going out and about really the best. I even dropped it on a stone floor once and it still worked!!

Guest 27-Dec-2005 16:45
I have not had much luck with the Pro 1. I took it out to a waterfall to take pictures the first day I had it. It was also a moist day. Condensation built up inside of the L lens after being out of the camera case within an hour. I sent it back to Canon. They cleaned the lens and sent it back to me. Apparently it is not a sealed lens and is environmentally vulnerable. Also my automatic outdoor pictures are always overexposed with and without an attached polarizer. Short of manually changing F stops by 2 or 3 stops, I have never gotten pictures outside to look like the results shown above. I have been very unhappy with it's results.
Guest 27-Dec-2005 09:31
I have the Powershot Pro 1 since august 2005. I've bought it as a second body for my Eos 20D. It produces stunning image quality, and the Canon 's professional "L" grade zoom lense gives very high performance results. Image quality is quite similar to a DSLR, and it's the best alternative to carrying my 20D when I want something light and small.
I'm in love with this camera. Well done Canon !!!!
Keith Goldstein14-Sep-2005 20:08
I love this camera as an alternative to carrying my 20D when I want something light and small. Only drawback, even with the software update, is the shutter-lag. I wish it was faster, more like a dslr.
Guest 19-Dec-2004 23:43
The Canon Powershot Pro 1 is a very able camera, of that there is no doubt. It's the closest thing to a dSLR you can get just now, I'd say. The only thing that 'bugs' me about it is, "why stop at a 7x zoom? Nikon have a 10x zoom on their CoolPix 8800, so does this mean that we might see the 8MPixel, 10x zoom from Canon this year? (In 2005). I'd like to think so, as it's the deciding factor for folks who are deciding between these two models. Personally, I'd rather by Canon, but the Nikon's 10x zoom swings it for me...'for the time being at least!". Come on Canon! We need that lil bit more telephoto from the Pro 1! ;) Your customers are waiting!
Guest 19-Dec-2004 23:40
The Canon Powershot Pro 1 is a very able camera, of that there is no doubt. It's the closest thing to a dSLR you can get just now, I'd say. The only thing that 'bugs' me about it is, "why stop at a 7x zoom? Nikon have a 10x zoom on their CoolPix 8800, so does this mean that we might see the 8MPixel, 10x zoom from Canon this year? (In 2005). I'd like to think so, as it's the deciding factor for folks who are deciding between these two models. Personally, I'd rather by Canon, but the Nikon's 10x zoom swings it for me...'for the time being at least!". Come on Canon! We need that lil bit more telephoto from the Pro 1! ;) Your customers are waiting!
Anonymous 19-Dec-2004 23:38
The Canon Powershot Pro 1 is a very able camera, of that there is no doubt. It's the closest thing to a dSLR you can get just now, I'd say. The only thing that 'bugs' me about it is, "why stop at a 7x zoom? Nikon have a 10x zoom on their CoolPix 8800, so does this mean that we might see the 8MPixel, 10x zoom from Canon this year? (In 2005). I'd like to think so, as it's the deciding factor for folks who are deciding between these two models. Personally, I'd rather by Canon, but the Nikon's 10x zoom swings it for me...'for the time being at least!". Come on Canon! We need that lil bit more telephoto from the Pro 1! ;) Your customers are waiting!
Anonymous 19-Dec-2004 23:37
The Canon Powershot Pro 1 is a very able camera, of that there is no doubt. It's the closest thing to a dSLR you can get just now, I'd say. The only thing that 'bugs' me about it is, "why stop at a 7x zoom? Nikon have a 10x zoom on their CoolPix 8800, so does this mean that we might see the 8MPixel, 10x zoom from Canon this year? (In 2005). I'd like to think so, as it's the deciding factor for folks who are deciding between these two models. Personally, I'd rather by Canon, but the Nikon's 10x zoom swings it for me...'for the time being at least!". Come on Canon! We need that lil bit more telephoto from the Pro 1! ;) Your customers are waiting!
RH Photography13-Dec-2004 11:37
A dedicated Canon Powershot Pro 1 gallery can be found here on my pbase site....

The Canon Pro1 is the flagship of the Canon Powershot range of digital cameras. It is the only prosumer model that effectively bridges the gap between a digital SLR and a point and shoot fixed lens digicam. With an 8 megapixel CCD, along with Canon's professional "L" grade 7X zoom lens giving a range of 28mm -200mm (35mm equiv), the Pro 1 produces stunning image quality.
Here are some images I have recently taken with this fine photographers tool.

Kind Regards
Richard Higgs
Pbase Supporter

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