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All Cameras >> Leica >> Leica R4

Leica R4 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135
Marketed: 1980
Lens Mount: R
Random Leica R4 Samples from 24 available Photos more
g6/95/493295/3/78339634.TYrFUEh5.jpg g6/95/493295/3/78275790.RQOxUYrd.jpg g6/95/493295/3/78275809.Vs8CdHPt.jpg g6/56/595856/3/69199882.VKeVH2sX.jpg
g6/95/493295/3/78275728.BNL5WO1I.jpg g6/95/493295/3/78275878.LIxku3wP.jpg g6/95/493295/3/78339722.6DjCIiNH.jpg g6/95/493295/3/71758079.b8QiYOJu.jpg
g6/95/493295/3/78339603.fDDbnhqr.jpg g3/93/330593/3/101332458.C4EQQBaG.jpg g6/95/760195/3/84710484.zCTrRpnt.jpg g6/95/760195/3/76168543.4VF3XcGn.jpg


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These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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