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Profile for crustacean
Name crustacean (joined 08-Feb-2009) (pbase supporter)
Username crustacean
Location United Kingdom
United Kingdom
View Galleries : crustacean has 59 galleries and 6691 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 558351 times.

View Guestbook : 3 messages. Most recent on 09-Feb-2017.

Message from crustacean
Live in S. Devon, almost as far south as you can go in the UK. Worked for 35 years as a professional fisherman but took early semi retirement. Mostly photograph marine life, boats, seascapes, wildlife but also interested in macro wildlife around this area and regularly record insect life from several locations.

As well as PBase which is my main upload site for photos I also regularly use and upload images to a few other specialist sites

Nature UK

Cambridge in Colour
Random crustacean pictures