04-Oct-2015 22:36

:: Patagonia, December 2014-January 2015 ::
13-Jun-2015 11:32

:: Osprey of Reelfoot Lake ::
17-Apr-2015 02:26

:: Great White Sharks of Guadalupe Island ::
10-Jan-2015 19:27

:: Brazil, July 2014 ::
09-Dec-2013 01:16

:: Cars ::
22-Jul-2013 23:00

:: Ecuador & the Galapagos, April-May 2013 ::
03-Mar-2013 21:02

:: Hong Kong, July 2012 ::
03-Mar-2013 20:46

:: Indonesia, July 2012 ::
09-Dec-2012 16:39

:: Panama, December 2011 ::
31-Mar-2012 13:10

:: Vanuatu, August-September 2011 ::
01-Aug-2011 03:11

:: Diving in Key Largo, July 2011 ::
01-Aug-2011 01:13

:: Gizmo and Friends at Wolfbrook ::