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Profile for davesherman
Name davesherman (joined 23-Feb-2008) (pbase supporter)
Username davesherman
Location Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada
View Galleries : davesherman has 209 galleries and 9879 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1472654 times.

View Guestbook : 1 messages. Most recent on 29-Aug-2011.

Message from davesherman
Photographs displayed in a web browser are best viewed on a calibrated monitor, using a colour-managed browser. All popular web browsers currently support colour management, displaying the image with the ICC profile embedded with the image, thereby reproducing colours as the photographer would have seen them on his or her own monitor. If there is no colour profile, the browser will display with sRGB profile by default.

I shoot exclusively in RAW, use DxO Photolab to convert my RAW files to .tiff files, and then use Adobe Photoshop for final editing and image refinement.

Thanks for visiting my online photo galleries and sharing your comments and critiques - all are appreciated. The world is a beautiful place, and I enjoy capturing and sharing that beauty as best I can. Feedback helps motivate me to continue to share while trying to improve my photography. If you find errors in my captioning, please feel free to advise me accordingly.
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