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Darryl Meredith | profile | all galleries | recent

Profile for Darryl Meredith
Name Darryl Meredith (joined 24-Jan-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username dmeredithphoto
Personal URL
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Darryl Meredith has 19 galleries and 559 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 214785 times.

Message from Darryl Meredith
Shipping is available to the United States only.

Photographs will be printed on Canon Photo Paper Pro on a Canon i9900 printer, using the 8 color ChromaPLUS ink system. The Canon ink jet photo printing process using Photo Paper Pro and Canon ChromaPLUS ink has been shown through accelerated testing to have resistance from fading that is equal to a chemically processed print using conventional photo paper. According to Canon, ”for proper care, place the photograph under glass so it is not in direct contact with the air. Do not place or display outdoors or under direct sunlight”.
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