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Recent Photos by members of Dave Barnes's **favorites group
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Alan Gutsell
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Missed Opportunities
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Hans Bister
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Paul van Giersbergen
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Claude Gagnon
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Gordon W
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Lance B
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Rick & José van der Weijde
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Hank Vander Velde
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Alan Clements
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Bert Ooms
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Raymond De Smet
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Hennie & Lies Lammers
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Shraga Alon
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Alain Deschamps
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Richard Ek
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Con Foley
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Jan-Michael Breider
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Hans Verhoeven
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Robert Doiron
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Garry Bakker
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Dave Petersen Photography
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Wilfred Marissen
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Albert Meek
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J Ponces
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Peter Ericsson
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Rick Fridell
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Trent Watts
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Corstiaan Beeke
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Bo Thoor / Fågelguidning AB
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Richard Ubels
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Maurizio Lanini
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Chuck Kling
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Gail Miller
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Dave Williams
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Paul Cools
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Daniele Occhiato
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Co van der Wardt
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Franco Pacelli
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Ulf Ståhle
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Christer Sundström
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Betty McNair
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Ellen Michaels
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Charlie Fleming
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Margaret Sloan and Bret Mossman
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Ingo Waschkies
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Céline Leclerc
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Steve Macomber
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Julie Tremblay
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