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Recent Photos by members of oeil_de_focus's **favorites group
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Serena Bowles
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Yiannis Pavlis
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Hank Vander Velde
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Julien Brisson
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Jean Chiasson
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Marcia Colelli
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Ghislaine et Réal Boulet
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DirkM - DMEpics
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Guy Dube
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Chuck Kling
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Joseph Levy
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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography
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Robert Houde
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Tom Munson
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Benoit Durocher Photographie
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Joe Filer
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Linda Matta
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Richard Calmes
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Fong Lam
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Barbara Heide
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Lise De Serres
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Janet Forjan-Freedman
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De'Carr Studio
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Daniella T.
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Richard Prévost
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Don Benson Photography
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Marco Valk
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René Lortie
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Sandi Whitteker
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Vincent Ethier
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Pixel Shooter
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Michel Bordeleau
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Peter Stubley
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Antonio Rizi
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Ken Chambers ARPS
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Luc Durocher
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Gerry Sibell
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allon kira
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Suzanne Labbé
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Mike Loring Photography
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Jacques Falardeau
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Jess. ( Lady.D.)
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Dominic Cantin
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Pierre Bannon
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Carol Rollins
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Jocelyne Feizo
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Andre Fontaine
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Dan the Man
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Peter Kyong
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Yves Marquis
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