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Recent Photos by members of angelique raptakis's **favorites group
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Cornelis Heijkant
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William Hartshorn
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Gordon W
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Ray :)
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Arie Ouwerkerk
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Barbara Corvino
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Ian Cameron
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Matthew Mannell
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Alberto Roth
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Wm. Bates
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Norman Rich
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Emily Neel
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Jean-Claude Riboulet
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Gerald Romanchuk
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Marisa Livet
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Sheila Smart
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Mostafa Moftah
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Kees Terberg
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Rathika Ramasamy
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John Buffin
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Greg Lavaty
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doron nissim
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Anna Pagnacco
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Gerald Rozemeijer
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Henry Ricci
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Wim de Groot
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Enrico Martinuzzi
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Jean-Rene A
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Linda A
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Mike Lentz Nature Photography
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Craig Persel
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David Mingay
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Raymond J Barlow
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Bob Pelkey
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Vincent Ethier
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Pixel Shooter
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Michel Bordeleau
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Uri Kolker
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Adalberto Tiburzi
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scott clarke
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John Amato
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allon kira
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Danny Yanai
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Pam R
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Matthew Jellings
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Mike Moats
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Dominic Kite
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Anita Waters
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Garrett Lau
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Cor en Angelique
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Anna Yu
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Eric Carrère
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J. Scott Coile
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