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Profile for focusonfabulous
Name focusonfabulous (joined 08-Aug-2011) (pbase supporter)
Username focusonfabulous
Personal URL
Location south carolina
south carolina
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View Galleries : focusonfabulous has 27 galleries and 421 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 527675 times.

View Guestbook : 3 messages. Most recent on 23-Jul-2014.

Message from focusonfabulous
every woman wants and NEEDS to feel beautiful (no matter her size, shape or age). thats what "focus on fabulous" is all about...allowing her to be free to be herself, to express herself, by letting her TRUE beauty shine through in her smile, her warmth and her femininity in spite of the times she may feel invisible, inadequate or unattractive. i hope you enjoy the gallery.
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