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Hans VR | all galleries >> Shoots >> Maldegem > Oma Poes
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Oma Poes

This is my mother, the kids call her Oma Poes
("granny cat" or something like that) because she
has 3 black cats.

Today (19/08) is her birthday.

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Guest 20-Aug-2004 02:20

Lovely shot. That's the same look I used to get from my mom when I did something really bad (including folded arms). I feel suitably chastised.

Mark 19-Aug-2004 17:28
Very nice photo Hans, of a very attractive woman.
BTW, I liked your cabanas shots...not boring at all.
Looks like Babette likes the trampoline! You're right, over here in the states it's nuts. They are sold everywhere and wind up just about anywhere. Can be sort of distracting in yards that are barely big enough for them to fit in. Not a problem in your case! Wonder if they attract bugs?..:P
Nelson Ricciardi19-Aug-2004 16:57
She is beautiful Hans. Very nice pic! Say hello to her!!!!