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Profile for Jack & Rikki Swenson
Name Jack & Rikki Swenson (joined 20-Jun-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username jackswenson
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Jack & Rikki Swenson has 45 galleries and 1249 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 501982 times.

View Guestbook : 4 messages. Most recent on 27-Feb-2025.

Message from Jack & Rikki Swenson
Rikki & Jack Swenson are an insipring team of Photo Expedition Leaders for the Lindblad/National Geographic Alliance, helping others to capture great images in the worlds wildest places. Throughout the year, their work takes them around the globe to many of the top photographic locales, leading both Photo Expedition voyages and land based, small group Photo Safaris.

Jack has been a professional photographer, expedition guide, and wildlife biologist for over 30 years. His photographic images have appeared in publications worldwide including advertising, books, magazines, and calendars produced by publishers such as National Geographic, Smithsonian, Audubon, BBC Wildlife, Time-Life, Travel & Leisure, and many others. He is co-author/photographer of a photographic book on Baja California, and a photo-identification guide to the Killer Whales of Southeast Alaska. He has worked with Lindblad Expeditions since 1988. His wealth of experience makes him a top mentor in the Photo Expedition and Photo Safari programs.

Rikki has traveled widely with Lindblad Expeditions since 1995, becoming a core member of their Photo Expedition team in 2001. She now leads Photo Safaris and Photo Expedition voyages, designing new Photo Safari itineraries specifically for photographers. Rikki is a popular photography instructor, providing digital camera instruction and photo imaging techniques for all skill levels.

Their photographic coverage includes Antarctica, Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa), Galapagos, Baja California, Alaska, Costa Rica, Panama, Polynesia & Melanesia (South Pacific), and Svalbard in the high arctic.

For more information or to purchase images or usage rights, contact Jack Swenson at:, or / tel: 206-328-0089
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