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Jean Des Rosiers | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jean Des Rosiers10-Jan-2015 03:40
Hi Woodchucker, the T-table came from a long time ago when I had a Unimat lathe. I bought the T-table from the stock they sold for their machines. I don't know if they are still available, but now I would either make one or have one made out of aluminium.
woodchucker 04-Jan-2015 23:27
Where'd you get your T table for your milling attachment.
I have been looking for a small plate myself. I rebuilt a southbend 9" lathe and would like to do some milling.
Fredrik Erlandson 10-Feb-2014 19:38
Hi Jean,
Really, really nice projects!
I intend to make a similar alternator solution on my Commando slim-line. Could you please share what belt type you use for the alternator transmission(i.e. the thin alternator drive belt)? Type, belt length, belt pulley diameters, etc. (and whether the belt has worked out or not... ;)).
Kind regards, Fredrik
Ed Blount 24-Sep-2013 01:13
Great work. I visit often to admire your work. How is the seat pan fastened at the front? No picture really shows this. I built a seat pan similar but am not satisfied and will copy parts of your design. Drop me a line and I will share my build with you.
Ed Blount
Lim Ewe Sin 24-Nov-2011 03:14
Jean...nice work on the Co'mando in featherbed..I 've had Nortons since I could afford one..rode till Burma on one some time still doing up Nortons..mostly of the 60's.It's a great passion...I wished you dwell more on the engine setup's your crank balance up to? can't really ride an 850 engine on a featherbed stock..I did once and the bike was moving all over on double stands at idle speed.
Still...great work...I am from Malaysia..if you drop by this part of the world,let me know...I'll buy you a cuppa.\
Jacques Blais 02-Nov-2011 21:12
Bonjour Jean,
je suis Jacques Blais qui a travaillé chez Digital Equipment. Est-ce bien toi que je pense connaître?
Guest 28-May-2011 18:58
Jean, would like to buy your boyer power box if it is still available. Cheers.

Ed Blount 26-May-2011 16:34
Jean, super sweet job. I am trying to source manifolds such as the ones you made to fit FCR35's. Any chance you have some for sale? I am in the process of building a featherbed with the 750 Atlas engine. I have finished the engine and transmission and am now working on the frame and various parts. I would like to run a single CR39 Smoothbore or FCR's. Still searching for the best option. Any help is appreciated.

Ed Blount
Keith 08-Jun-2010 09:19
Hi, what a fantastic project, well done, I loved the way you handled the exhust ports, but why did you slope the engine, the final outcome looks great, best regards, Keith
PS your machining and welding makes me jealous
vincent prat 12-Jan-2009 13:59
bonjour Jean
j'ai trouvé tes galeries à partir de Jerry Doe , je suis basé en Toulouse en France et j'ai un blog que je t'invites à venir visiter, je serais très heureux si tu avais une histoire Norton personnelle à nous raconter accompagnée de photos,
qu' en penses tu?
http: //
Richard Cook 18-Dec-2008 21:54
Nice job Jean.
I have an old Featherbed Commando hybrid so yours is quite interesting to me.

Gabriel Béland 01-Apr-2008 04:54

Je prépare un voyage de St-Lambert à New York en vélo. Serait-il possible de communiquer avec vous par courriel pour discuter à ce sujet ?