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Guest 04-Nov-2007 01:52
Wow! I am incredibly impressed by your work. I'm already looking forward to my next visit.
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:18
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
Guest 06-Apr-2007 19:26
Excellent images great work with light and emotion.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:39
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Cianni Cao07-Mar-2007 09:31
Jim, I just want to thank you for sharing your photos! They're very nice and enriched with meanings(well, at least to me) about life and such.

Keep up the good work.

Very best wishes,


Guest 10-Feb-2007 05:24
Again, thank you very much for your comments... you're too generous! :o) Looking forward to seeing more of your photos... when are you posting some more? Regards, Paula
Guest 05-Feb-2007 23:39
Thank you for your comments... your "Darker Side of Light" and "Flora" are my favorites... really fine work. Regards. Paula
Skyspaced25-Dec-2006 10:32
Jim, thank you for your kind wishes. Same to you, and have a great 2007!

Gert van Dam 07-Sep-2006 10:57
Jim, erg mooie foto's! Jouw liefde voor het vak straalt van de foto’s af.