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Paul Dudley | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my photo albums. (PBase calls them "galleries"). The above slideshow is a selection from my "Hundred Best" gallery;
click on an image in the slideshow or on one of the thumbnail images below to get to a named gallery. There are about 19,000
pictures here in a sort of tree structure; click on a thumbnail picture to follow the branches to any particular picture.
Many of these pictures are geotagged: click on "view map" under a picture, and you should be able to work out
where the picture was taken from (as distinct from where the thing being photographed was).
Hundred Best so far (1992 - 2023)
Hundred Best so far (1992 - 2023)
Nine new pictures and links
Nine new pictures and links
28 Australian trips
28 Australian trips
22 Overseas Trips
22 Overseas Trips
Sydney and Suburbs
Sydney and Suburbs
Birds I have met – one picture of each
Birds I have met – one picture of each
Sydney Royal Easter Show  2004 to 2019
Sydney Royal Easter Show 2004 to 2019
Beaches, Coasts and Rocks
Beaches, Coasts and Rocks
Lakes, rivers, birds and quiet places
Lakes, rivers, birds and quiet places
Australian zoos, parks and gardens
Australian zoos, parks and gardens
Old mining towns of New South Wales
Old mining towns of New South Wales
Hawkesbury Albums
Hawkesbury Albums
Other places near Sydney
Other places near Sydney
Australian Museums, Displays & Galleries
Australian Museums, Displays & Galleries
Australian Wildflowers
Australian Wildflowers
Sculpture Exhibitions
Sculpture Exhibitions
The Chronicle of Charlie - the First Eighteen Years
The Chronicle of Charlie - the First Eighteen Years
Small Things
Small Things
Wallpaper, Colour and Pattern
Wallpaper, Colour and Pattern
Signs and Wonders
Signs and Wonders
Pictures from 25 Rivers
Pictures from 25 Rivers
Anasaphilia – a love of ducks
Anasaphilia – a love of ducks
A Collection of Ceilings
A Collection of Ceilings
Ernst Boerschmann's Pictures of China
Ernst Boerschmann's Pictures of China
A Collection of Cemeteries
A Collection of Cemeteries
Mountain, Forest and Waterfall
Mountain, Forest and Waterfall