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Leon Koller | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Leon Koller01-Feb-2025 17:21
Thank you very much fir your kind thoughtsm Shawn. Much appreciated, Leon
Shawn 01-Feb-2025 06:05
Mr Koller I am so very sorry for your loss! I have been an admirer for years from afar(as I had nothing to contribute) but every tine I came across a picture of her, I thought of how Lucky you were to have such a Beautiful wife/model! I hope this finds you well!
Alan in Massachusetts 04-May-2020 16:51
If I understand the most recent posts, Dotty is no longer with us. So sorry for your loss. She looks like she was an amazing lady.
Thank you for sharing your images with us.
lds14-Aug-2017 16:55
As beautiful in the younger years as the older years....Simply gorgeous
Traveller2 31-Jul-2017 18:48
I would hope that Dotty is as proud to be the subject of such love as you are proud of her. Beautiful woman so deliciously captured.
Gary Coffman19-Dec-2012 22:49
Here is a link to the AC power adapter that I use with my D300.
It works with several Nikon models. I've used this one for about a year now with no troubles and it's a lot cheaper than the one from Nikon.
Gary Coffman21-Nov-2012 01:35
Hello Leon,
You asked a question on my pbase gallery about the benefits of stacking moon images. Its been my experience that the benefit would be in the improved detail. Using Registax to stack multiple moon photos gives an image that has much more fine detail, which can be pulled out with programs like Photoshop. The initial stacked image from Registax looks very similar to the single images but there is considerably more detail that can be extracted. I posted one of the single images as comparison (MoonUnstacked.jpg).

Thank you for stopping by and commenting - Gary (in Teller county)
Leon Koller16-Nov-2012 19:41
Thank you very much, Ed. Yes, I have enjoyed taking photos of Dotty over the years.
Ed 29-Feb-2012 23:42
Leon what a beautiful gallery. Nice unpretentious pictures. I have to admit that I to feel in love with Dotty. Perhaps I read to much into pictures but I bet she has been a lot of fun to be with. I love her beautiful face. You have done a great job over the years.