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Robert Ballard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oregon Winter 2004 > Upper North Falls
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Upper North Falls

Silver Falls State Park

I wasn't too pleased with this photo either. I'd like to try a shorter exposure earlier in the day. There wasn't much light left by the time I shot it. The picture had a bad color cast; I blew the highlights trying to get rid of it and brighten up the picture.

By the way, in the summer the falls is still pretty, but the water level in the streambed is low enough that there's plenty of places to set up a tripod.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1s f/11.0 at 33.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Greg Lief24-Jan-2006 19:59
Another case of (in my opinion) a photo that turned out better than you think it did. It's really tough -- any time of day or year -- to get bright foliage at Upper North Falls without completely blowing out the water detail.