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Robert Ballard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oregon Winter 2004 > Golden Falls
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Golden Falls

Hey, are those trees falling over? Hmm, it looks a little bit like a perspective issue from a wide angle lens, or from shooting up at a tall subject. But sometimes the scene is really like that. I remember being at Hedge Creek Falls and thinking that the pictures were going to look distorted because the trees are actually pointing toward the center of the falls. Then there are times when I'm at home looking at pictures and wondering if my lens distorted them. But how am I to know since I'm not at the scene? Oh I know! I'll just look at a picture. Umm, no that won't work will it?

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/3s f/14.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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