03-Aug-2022 02:30

:: posts ::
05-Sep-2021 00:05

:: Summer Semipalmated Plover ASY vs SY vs plumage dilution ::
11-Aug-2021 04:13

:: Bill chromatic aberrations (color mutations) in birds ::
11-Aug-2021 04:10

:: Samples of abnormal melanin distribution in bill and legs (soft parts) in aberrant Laughing Gulls ::
27-Jul-2021 00:57

:: Piping vs Snowy Plover - Hypomelanism - dilution ::
27-Jul-2021 00:53

:: Aberrant Black Skimmers; Hypomelanism - presumably “brown” mutation ::
10-Jan-2021 02:36

:: Texas City Fork-tailed Flycatcher ::
15-Aug-2020 23:29

:: Night-Heron hybrid Texas Central Coast Mustang Island ::
15-Aug-2020 23:06

:: Egret hybrid – Upper Texas Coast ::
15-Aug-2020 16:01

:: Comparing close-up photos of "white-headed" Ardeidae found in Northern Territory, Australia ::
22-Apr-2020 15:24

:: Common Ringed Plover - banded - summer 2017 ::
01-Jan-2020 05:40

:: Seagulls ::