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Michael Edwards | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Rick Chrisinger 08-Feb-2017 06:35
Have bookmarked your galleries and will be returning ... appreciate the range of perspectives. Chrisl
funkysandman17-Sep-2012 13:17
you have a good eye for color!
Robert Selken10-Feb-2011 20:05

I'm always flattered when someone as prolific and talented as yourself takes the time to comment on my gallery.

Take care, Bob
Lennart Waara26-Dec-2010 11:07
Hi Michael.
I have taken time to browse around on your galleries. I didnĀ“t realize how many fine galleries you have and what a great variety there are in motives and pictures! You are a really skilled photographer! Feels fine to know you and I are part of the same group TTL!
Rob de Heer23-Oct-2010 15:36
Thank you Michael for your kindly comments..
Greetings from Hellevoetsluis,The Netherlands.