gallery: Best of 2023
gallery: Best of 2022
gallery: Best of 2021
gallery: Best of 2020
gallery: Best of 2019
gallery: Best of 2018
gallery: Best of 2017
gallery: Best of 2016
gallery: Best of 2015
gallery: Best of 2014
gallery: Best of 2013
gallery: Best of 2012
gallery: inbox
gallery: Scenics/Trips
gallery: People
gallery: Special Events
gallery: Animals and Zoos
gallery: Birds
gallery: Bits & Pieces
gallery: Black & White
gallery: Boats
gallery: Bookmark Photos
gallery: Bridges
gallery: California Coast
gallery: California Missions
gallery: Cars of All Sorts
gallery: Seeing Circles
gallery: Clouds, Sunsets, the Skies, and Moon
gallery: Colors
gallery: Fences
gallery: Ocean, Sea and Aquarium Life - Fish, Jellies, Crustaceans, etc.
gallery: Flowers
gallery: "Forgotten"
gallery: My Haiku
gallery: Have A Heart
gallery: Holiday Visions
gallery: Insects , Bees, Butterflies, Spiders
gallery: Lighthouses
gallery: Museums
gallery: Odds & Ends
gallery: Patterns and Abstracts
gallery: Planes, Jets and Copters
gallery: Plants and Trees
gallery: Reflections
gallery: Rock Formations
gallery: Seasons
gallery: Signs, Windows and Storefronts
gallery: Snakes, Reptiles and Amphibians
gallery: Stairs and Steps of All Kinds
gallery: Still Life
gallery: Transportation - Mostly Unusual
gallery: Water
gallery: Walking Group Photos
gallery: Artistic Endeavors
gallery: Nikon D5100 Images - and high ISO
gallery: First Few with Nikon 28-300mm
gallery: Altering Shots by Others
gallery: Chris's Photos
gallery: Chamber - Novato Tourism
gallery: Novato Chamber - Jan 2014
gallery: Baby Bird Event at Wildcare
gallery: Camera Club Outings
gallery: Granddaughter's Pics
gallery: Dishes