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Robin Lew | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Robin Lew
Name Robin Lew (joined 22-Apr-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username robinlew
Location San Francisco, California
San Francisco, California
View Galleries : Robin Lew has 168 galleries and 8714 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2097099 times.

View Guestbook : 15 messages. Most recent on 22-Mar-2014.

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Message from Robin Lew
Welcome to my galleries.

I've been photographing for years. In the good ol' days of analogue photography, I would have to set up a slide projector to show pictures or make contact prints of all my negatives to show to anyone who was interested. Consequently only a few saw my pictures. Enter the digital age, and with less effort, I can share my pictures with the world.

I hope you enjoy looking at my photos as much as I enjoy making them. And by all means leave a comment if the mood strikes you.
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