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Bill Simpson's Recent Galleries

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15-Jan-2025 00:38
:: Wildlife ::
21-Nov-2024 22:21
The Pacific Northwest
:: The Pacific Northwest ::
30-Aug-2024 03:33
Family and Friends
:: Family and Friends ::
12-Aug-2024 22:19
:: Hummingbirds ::
11-Aug-2024 03:57
Miscellaneous Stuff
:: Miscellaneous Stuff ::
06-Aug-2024 22:26
Fremont Summer Solstice Parade - 2017 (Warning - contains nudity)
:: Fremont Summer Solstice Parade - 2017 (Warning - contains nudity) ::
24-Jun-2024 20:39
Fremont Summer Solstice Parade - 2024 (warning - contains nudity)
:: Fremont Summer Solstice Parade - 2024 (warning - contains nudity) ::
24-Jun-2023 23:27
Fremont Summer Solstice Parade - 2023 (warning - contains nudity)
:: Fremont Summer Solstice Parade - 2023 (warning - contains nudity) ::
24-Nov-2014 23:18
Snowshoeing in the Cascades
:: Snowshoeing in the Cascades ::
29-Jul-2013 02:22
Moraine Lake & Lake Louise
:: Moraine Lake & Lake Louise ::
28-Jul-2013 16:56
Calgary, Alberta
:: Calgary, Alberta ::
28-Jul-2013 04:24
Banff, Alberta Canada
:: Banff, Alberta Canada ::