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Steven Noyes

Small Falls

Rockford, Il (Anderson Gardens)

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Steven Noyes01-Oct-2002 16:27
Pretty much the more time the better. This image is a combination of two 1 second exposures. The full data is:

50 mm F1.8 el cheapo lens (very sharp though)
ISO 100
two images stacked.
Shutter 1 second (2 if you count both exposures)
3 stop ND filter.

Note: 5 to 10 seconds is nice to try fore
BTW, looks like the D60 does you well. Nice pics.
Guest 01-Oct-2002 04:59
steve, mind telling me what ISO,shutter speed and aperture settings for the waterfall...mine come close, but still lack the smoothness, and uniformity of this...(trying to improve my technique...thanks in advance, Randy