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Steven Noyes's Recent Galleries

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20-Jan-2025 15:38
:: 2025_starts_with_a_new_camera ::
15-Jan-2024 18:41
2024 Starts a New Year With Snow
:: 2024 Starts a New Year With Snow ::
16-Dec-2022 15:52
:: katrinas_graduation ::
10-May-2022 12:05
:: 2022_another_year ::
05-Mar-2022 18:34
The New Pup Holly
:: The New Pup Holly ::
22-Sep-2021 02:47
2021 Another Year
:: 2021 Another Year ::
29-Aug-2021 13:52
iMac Pro Wallpapers
:: iMac Pro Wallpapers ::
04-Aug-2020 17:44
:: 2020_a_slow_year ::
10-Jul-2020 15:57
Grandpa's 100th Birthday
:: Grandpa's 100th Birthday ::
23-Dec-2019 03:20
2019 (A new year)
:: 2019 (A new year) ::
16-Oct-2018 01:33
All Trixie
:: All Trixie ::
22-Aug-2017 23:57
Eclipse 2017
:: Eclipse 2017 ::