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Terri Steele | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 04-Jan-2013 16:33
Thanks Terri...
Guest 07-Mar-2012 17:43
Thanks Terri for your nice comment on my Raccoon image...
Mama 11-Dec-2009 01:36
Beautiful photos, Splash! You are very talented...
Matt Tolton01-Dec-2009 17:06
Impressed by almost every image, Very Nice.
Matt Tolton01-Dec-2009 17:06
Impressed by almost every image, Very Nice.
Jackie Zinger27-Oct-2009 06:36

I alway enjoy looking at your site and all the PCT images of people and familiar places!!

G3orge Dalziel12-Mar-2009 04:17
enjoyed having a wee look around your Pbase, some super shots in there...well done.
rabab 27-Jan-2009 18:37
hey where can i get Terri Steele's biography? i loves her photos and i want have a presentation to make in my photography class, and i want to talk about her?? im searching online "google" and i get 100 Terri Steeles, but nothin about her...any help?
Will A. 21-Nov-2008 05:54
Thanks again for all the incredible Grand Canyon images. Will A.
Guest 08-Jul-2008 09:56
Really marvelous! Thanks for sharing. V
Debbie Blackburn Beierle26-Jun-2008 06:39
Shame on me for not signing this sooner!!! I have SO enjoyed following your "work", Terri. You are an amazing photographer and wonderful cyber person! :)) Keep up the good work!! Debbie
Brad Chamberlain 17-Jun-2008 20:23
You have a God given talent.
I can "feel" your images.
Guest 01-May-2008 18:36
Very nice Missy Terri. You definately got the "feel" for your photos. Hugs,

Guest 29-Apr-2008 06:01
Hi Teresa,
We just got back from Brewster tonight; (David, Eric & myself). Aunt Sharon gave me the link to the pics you took from Grandma's 90th b-day party. I'll try to print some & send along to Dennis. We went to North Star & of course in to the house (but not upstairs). A lot of pigeons live in there now!
David sang, "Lord I Lift Your Name On High" & Eric played the guitar chords on his acoustic at the Cavalry Baptist church for the little congregation. It was Eric's first gig and was enjoyed by the folks. We walked over to the house on Sunset & got to chat with the current owner, a young guy named Eric & his fiance. His grandfather Tad had purchased the house from our Grandpa so it was really fun to talk to them.
I was telling them about the photo that the family had enlarged of Grandma in her kitchen back in about 1950 after it was all new & she's cooking in her apron. We all want a copy of that photo. I think a lot of the family members would like to order a copy of that. Isn't that just the best "50's Mom & her kitchen" photo ever???
Sharon says you are out walking again. I hope you're having fun & enjoying the land, trees, new spring flowers, and fauna you may see along the way. Thank you for the photos - I know Dennis especially will be happy to have some.
Your cousin Deanna
Guest 18-Apr-2008 17:56
Maravillosas galerías
Gracias por compartirlas
Kenny Low 02-Mar-2008 16:31
Lovely gallery Terri.

I was wondering if I will be able to use one of your pictures (Barrel Springs) as an article inset picture for a student magazine that I'm working for? Hope to hear from you soon!

Kenny Low 01-Mar-2008 14:07
Lovely gallery Terri.

I was wondering if I will be able to use one of your pictures (Barrel Springs) as an article inset picture for a student magazine that I'm working for? Hope to hear from you soon!

Ruth 31-Jan-2008 07:56
I see you are using the Canon Rebel do you like it and what lens are you using...enjoyed your photos...relaly nice work!!
Rod Shenck 18-Jan-2008 16:38
You show an awesome talent for capturing fantastic images. I like your variety and style.
Guest 13-Oct-2007 17:43
Fantastic work Terri...
Guest 15-Sep-2007 17:12
This is a beautiful gallery Terri, well done
Guest 14-Sep-2007 01:08
Thank you for your comment! It is an honor coming from you. I really admire your work -Alena
Guest 28-Aug-2007 14:14
thanks for the comment, Terri!
blizzard02-Jul-2007 00:34
George Washinton
well done ms Terri you are very clever lady
the title was a bated one
you picked up on it. as a matter of fact you are the only one to pick up on it
you a genius no doubt about good job
Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:31
Good stuff.
Federico D'Incà22-May-2007 01:04
Hi terri Ilove you style .....btw how did you put a photo at the top of your root gallery ? tks
Tom Merigan18-May-2007 04:37
Teri You are good! Thanks for your comment on my scary bird. Tom Merigan,Portola vAlley,CA
Barry S Moore15-May-2007 14:11
Loved the short visit to your galleries. Put you in my favourites for a return visit.

Regards Barry
Guest 28-Apr-2007 20:46
Hi Terri
Thank you so very much for your recent messages about images from my galleries and your constant support.I apologise for not responding to every recent message or your images but I hope to do better in the future!My very best wishes and thanks, David. :0)
Guest 07-Apr-2007 21:45
Hi Terri
Thank you for your constant comments and support which is really appreciated.So glad you are now "on the mend".My very best wishes, David.
glimpses by lu10-Mar-2007 19:21
Teri - I find all of your work truly magical!!!! I feel not many have "IT" and you absolutly, without question have "IT". Thank you for your inspiration!! I visit often.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:42
You have great stuff here and I'm a little jealous to be honest.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:13
I have great respect for your work.
Guest 06-Mar-2007 14:37
Stellar job! Can I get your signature?
Guest 28-Feb-2007 09:53
Hi Terri
Thank you so very much for visiting my galleries,your generous comments and votes.I really appreciate your time and input.Keep taking superb pictures!Best wishes, David.
Guest 18-Feb-2007 01:11
Thank you Terri for the kind comments on my Gallery.
Guest 08-Feb-2007 02:34
Beautifull work Terri! Thank you for your comments neighbour :)
Guest 27-Jan-2007 02:49
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my galleries.
I love meeting new people :)
Guest 24-Jan-2007 15:49
Hi Terri, here I am to say ,you have a gorgeous head image, me again, don't know how you call it, but it's really gorgeous, as gorgeous as all your images, in Holland we say slijm ,slijm.see you again,cheers Enny.
Guest 21-Jan-2007 16:53
Thanks Terri for your vote and nice comments on my Ice Fountain...
January Grey21-Jan-2007 08:13
You're so nice to have visited, and commented at my galleries. Thank you! I've certainly enjoyed browsing your photos. Great stuff! I'll be back, for sure.
Gilles Aubin19-Jan-2007 14:53
Merci Terri pour ton commentaire du papillon ( Butterflie ) et les bebes canards
( babys wood duck )
Federico D'Incà19-Jan-2007 10:35
gr8 pics ...
Maaike Huizer19-Jan-2007 07:56
Hi Terri,
I'm glad you left some comments on my pictures. Because now I have found your galleries. Great work. I will come back.
CreativeWiseGal19-Jan-2007 01:05
Thanks for visiting my galleries and leaving so many nice comments. I feel honored considering what I see of your work. I especially love the Crystal Blanket....something we don't see too much in the South! LOVE your work!
Carol18-Jan-2007 10:34
Like your Rain gallery~
It's so beautiful~
Squared C18-Jan-2007 07:02
Congrats on making it to #1 on the popular page. You deserve it!
Irene Firck17-Jan-2007 19:46
Hi Terri, Thanks loads for the super comment on my gallery.
You've got some gorgeous images here. I LOVE your rain gallery (your top placing in the popular galleries is very well deserved).
Thierry Lucas15-Jan-2007 12:15
Hello Terri,
sorry for the late answer, I had big problems with my computer.
Thank you very much for your nice comments, and votes.
You have very nice pictures.
Will go back to see more.

rusty_rhino15-Jan-2007 11:50
Thankyou so much for you recent comments. I decided to go back and view some more of you work. I echo the comments of those who have seen your work, you are an artist!
Craig Sadler14-Jan-2007 02:50

You have too many beautiful captures to count! I love the diversity.
Thank you for your encouraging words at my humble galleries:-)
rusty_rhino11-Jan-2007 20:38
So many images, so little time. I love your landscapes, among others. You are fortunate to have been so many beautiful places. Your eye is exceptional! Thanks also for visiting my new gallery.
Guest 11-Jan-2007 15:15
Hi Terri,
Thanks for compliment!You have very nice stuff in your gallery also.
This was a test shot in front of window.A lot of praise I have to give to this lens.It renders light like no other lens in my colection.
Brent Andersen10-Jan-2007 02:33
Thanks for visiting Terri. Love your galleries. Brent
Cedric Sims09-Jan-2007 21:52
Hi Terri,
Great collection of photos you have captured. Love the variety!
Alexander Chayka08-Jan-2007 08:27
Hello Terri,
Many thanks for your visiting my gallery and for your comments.
Best regards, Alexander
Guest 07-Jan-2007 13:11
Hi,Terri Steele
Thank for share comment.
Guest 06-Jan-2007 00:32
thanks for the comments on my pictures, it gave me a chance to check out yours, and its been a pleasure so far.
Guest 05-Jan-2007 20:38
Thanks for your visit and comments on my gallery. Just visited your galleries and they are great!! Stunning pictures. I have a long way to go...Dick
Guest 05-Jan-2007 01:31
Hi Terri thanks for the comment and the visit. Loved your gallery concepts - although the red/green gallery was difficult for me. I'm red/green color blind, so I saw a different gallery than others but loved the photo's and the concept.

Keep growing
Guest 03-Jan-2007 20:06
Howdie Terri, Thank you for commenting on my pictures and I hope you enjoyed your visit to my 'captured moments'. I have enjoyed looking at your life through a lens and will be back again.

Kind regards

Jean D03-Jan-2007 02:45
Hi Terri,
Thank you for visiting and leaving such kind comments. Jean
Bob AYTON24-Dec-2006 02:52
Thank You Terri, for visiting and for your kind feedback. I love your galleries, you have the ability to capture 'mood' and tell a story through your photography. Regards, Melbob
flowsnow13-Dec-2006 13:45
Hi Terri, thanks for dropping by. I browsed through your gallery. I really enjoy looking at your pictures. You have an eye in capturing the moment. Will be coming back more definitely! Cheers!
Guest 12-Dec-2006 23:05
i really get excited when experienced photograhpers leave comments on my galleries. it gives me satisfaction and motivates me to work ever harder in improving my images. i love your frost gallery. thank you for visiting mine!!!
Yukio21-Nov-2006 02:38
Hi Terri,
Thank you for visiting my galleries and leaving a comment.
I enjoyed your self portrait gallery, good job.
Karen Moen20-Nov-2006 08:18
Thank you for your visit and kind feedback.
steve whalen 18-Nov-2006 01:59
........I love your dog photo' sweet...I have a Sharpei(Karl) ...your dog makes think I better get busy with my camera. Real love shows through in your shots..thanks
Jarek M13-Nov-2006 05:12

Thanks for your visit in my gallery and your comments.

Best Regards
Guest 11-Nov-2006 21:02
Hi Terri,
Thank you for your comments and your humor and you bringing every day a smile on my face.
glimpses by lu11-Nov-2006 16:45
Hi Terri - I have so enjoyed looking through all of your galleries. Being from the NW also , across the water from Seatle I especially love the nature and the rain pictures. Would do wonderful amazing work!!! Great shots!! I will visit often. Thank you for visiting my galleries and enjoying the "just weird" gallery. Lu
Stefano Gaggero08-Nov-2006 08:15
Hi Terri, thanks for your comment. I like your galleries.
Guest 05-Nov-2006 16:27
Terri thanks for visiting my galleries and for the nice comments you made. You have many wonderful images yourself. Keep up the good work.
Creative Terri03-Nov-2006 16:16
Hi Terri...thanks for stopping by my have some wonderful photos...I especially love the raindrops on the flowers...stunning!!
Terri Corley
Guest 02-Nov-2006 23:29
Hi Terri, and thanks for your comments on my gallery! I've had a good look round yours and you have some great shots on here - the ones from the disposables are particularly impressive considering the equipment!
René Juncker02-Nov-2006 17:16
Hey Terri,

Thanks for stopping by. You're quite right in your observation - funny as it was. :-)I just briefly looked through your pics, as I'm headed out again to optimize my stay in LA. I'll come by, when I have better time.

Cheers, René
marciomachado20-Oct-2006 16:55
Hi Terri,
Thank you very much for commenting my galleries.
Marcio Machado
Carrie Woeck03-Oct-2006 17:59
Hi Terri,
thank you for your nice comment in my gallery. I was looking thru yours and you are an impressive photographer. Was wondering if I could paint your adorable photo?
If so I would need a larger size. Of course I would write your name as the photographer. I am trying to get a collection of animal paintings.
Thank you,
Guest 02-Oct-2006 14:43
Thanks Terri...
Guest 27-Sep-2006 16:43
Thank you for visiting my gallery and your comment. You have some wonderful photos here.
I know you will enjoy Freeman Patterson's book. He also has several other puplications you might be interested in. They are all available at
Guest 27-Sep-2006 16:06
Thanks for the comments, you have some great stuff too, love the color. No you're not delusional, you're a photographer and a good one.
Shelly- VA Beach27-Sep-2006 02:05
Thank you for your comment on my hummer photo. You have some really unique photos and very colorful gallery. Georgeanne Mayer
Carl & Judy Rush 20-Sep-2006 04:32
Your photos are wonderful , You must have a great camera and a lot of patience.