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bossofdos64 02-Jan-2025 12:07
Correction needed for the following:
/usnavypatchman/vmfa542 and the associated gallery links

VMFA-542 is known as the "Tigers", VMFA-224 are the "Bengals".
Mike Forsberg 04-Jun-2022 09:18
Impressive collection Paul! Cheers
Mike Tambling 09-May-2022 02:34
M. Tambling
Hi folks, I served in VRF-31 in 66/67-- ADJ-5, air crew. I remember Bob Fillmore was a E6 and in charge of the line division when I came aboard. I managed in o get a lot of hours in S2Fs and CH46s back then, great fun flying low out west. Are there any plans for a Reunion in the future?
YOLIE DONLEY 15-Nov-2019 14:12
we will be having a VRF-31 reunion Feb 20-23 2020, contact Yolie 228-382-2809 or It will be held in Biloxi MS. Mardi Gras
Charlie 14-Aug-2016 17:39
Great site - Thanks for sharing
Guest 29-Apr-2016 20:58
Hi Paul

I came across your site tonight when I was doing a search for an HSM 35 image. I did a few of those patches. Are you a collector? Check out our site.


Lyle Brovan 07-Jan-2016 16:49
I joined the A4 squadron in 1956 and did several med cruises. I would like to know whereI could get a squadron patch.
Al Niedrich 19-Jun-2015 04:22
Super site! You have done a smashing job on it!
Fred Colby 13-Nov-2013 18:20
Mr Newman
would it be possible to get a copy of the picture of A3 tail number 147650
that plane was lost on October 6th 1966 with all crew lost my dad was the third crewman and I am trying to collect as much on him and the aircraft as I can
thank you
Fred Colby
Michael Aldana 28-Dec-2012 02:50
Great aviation site Paul!!!!!!! Patch and aircraft images. Keep posting them.
Charlie Lai16-May-2012 10:55
Wow! Thank you for sharing this incredible and rich history Paul.
William P. Wilemon 21-Dec-2011 11:07
Outstanding site. Paul has been helpful more than once. Thank you so much.
Alastair Barbour 08-Dec-2011 22:38
Keep 'em coming Paul. Lovin' it
Nikos 12-May-2010 12:47
Hi! I am a collector from Greece. Do you have any Hellenic Air Force patch?? Thanks
Graham Gilbert 06-Feb-2010 11:15
A really great site,well done.
Graham Gilbert, England
Michael Breaux 09-Nov-2009 11:33
Loved the HS-4 patches.They really bring back memories.I helped design one of them.
I really miss those days.
BOB REAY 14-Oct-2009 02:08
Paul this is outstanding,
kjcaruso13-Oct-2009 17:44
Hi Paul, Excellnt site a 3 WIRE. I bookmarked it and am looking forwar checking it often.

Your Friend
Kevin Caruso