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Recent Photos by members of franz's **contacts group
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Blandine Mangin
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Gerard KOEHL
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carol j. phipps
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Boris Alexander Keller
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Jeff Real
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Earl Misanchuk
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Yiannis Pavlis
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Alain Boussac
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Marc Demoulin
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Mieke WA Minkjan
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Alexander Kazakov
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Fernando Peres Rodrigues
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Bill Miller
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Helen Betts
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Christian Dumont
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John Hamers
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larose forest photos
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Liz Bickel
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Don Mottershead
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Tom LeRoy
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Philippe Jeandy
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Milan Vogrin
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Barbara Corvino
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Marcia Colelli
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Silvia Roitman
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Cetywa Powell
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Pieter Bos
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A.G. Arao / noyphoto
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Walter Otto Koenig
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Raymond Ma
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Wim Ensie
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Paco López
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bill friedlander
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Olivier Rubin
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Sylvie Vanderperre
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Rob de Heer
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Marisa Livet
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Vickie Tseng
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Barbara Heide
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Ken Duckert
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Greg Christie
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)
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Cindi Smith
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George McCarten
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Julie Queybronac (Bryline)
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Marina Palpati
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Margot W
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Dave Barnes
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